Do you really want a better government, not a bigger government? A government that represents you and your vote? One that does not cater to Big Business and the wealthy people who own it? So do I. So, if this is what you want, stop moaning and groaning and start making it happen. Here's what Miss PittyPat would like to see.
Let's abolish the Electoral College. While we would like to think every vote counts, we have seen in the past few elections that this is not so. The Electoral College was established because our Founding Fathers, most of whom were well-educated, did not think the common man could cast an informed, intelligent vote due to their lack of education. Therefore everyone is allowed to vote, but the only votes that count are the people sent to the electoral college. Most of us are educated and able make an informed vote, based on the facts.
Then, we could all demand our men in Congress do an honest job, and work for us. Make lobbying by Big Business, such as Big Oil, Big Sugar, or Big Fruit, a federal offense. Demand that any Congressman found taking money from a lobbyist or the companies/people they represent be immediately censured by Congress, arrested and sent to jail. And not to Club Fed; to real prison, in the real population; along with the other crooks; for a long time.
While we're at it, have our representatives pass a law that no business, their officers or their employees are permitted to donate money for elections funds. Do away with PACs. Rarely do they represent the citizens of this country.
Pass a federal law that any representative of the people and their staff will be out of a job if they do not do their job. That is every two years for a Congressman and every six years for a Senator, in case you forgot your Civics ;-D. Let's demand a law that no member, or his staff, of Congress is allowed to EVER take a job with a business they have voted for or against when making laws. Now they only have to wait 180 days, and then they can be hired or appointed to a place of power. Sounds like a bribe to me.
Demand that anyone or any business and their officers found defrauding the government of the United States be punished severely. I don't mean some piddling little fine and a slap on the hand. I mean, again, real confinement in a real prison, for a long time. In fact, let's make it a treasonable offense.
One of the first companies that would go under would be Halliburton and all its subsidiaries. They have been found guilty of overcharging the taxpayers for services, equipment and oil sent to Iraq. Their fine, over $4.0 mill. Their profit, almost $200 billion and counting.
Lest I be accused of bias, second on my list would be any hospital, corporation, or person who defrauds Medicare and Social Security. We see a lot of that in Florida. The offenders sometimes get off with a fine, one that is a drop in the bucket to what they have stolen from the taxpayers. One of the candidates in the present election in Florida fits that bracket. His corporation was fined for Medicare fraud, and he skated. Others get off with very light sentences in Club Fed, and when they get out, they are back in business again. Medicare has almost no oversight, and what it does have is inefficient and does not include medical professionals. They are more than three years behind in their audits. Their computers are worthless. Put doctors and nurses, who know how to spot overcharging on the oversight boards.
Just by implementing a few changes we can have better government. One that is more responsive and streamlined. One that saves the taxpayers, especially the middle class, much of their tax money. This is what I want to happen. It never will as long as we sit on our derrieres and do nothing.
This is Miss PittyPat's truth for today.
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